Bloggers Bloggers Everywhere!

July 30, 2010 at 8:06 pm 2 comments

Thursday was a flurry of activity as usual.  I started my day with something I don’t usually have for breakfast: Ice Cream!  Banana Soft Serve!  With a scuffin crumbled on top. 

Then off to work I went.  I went straight from work to yoga, because Greg was home durjing the day ysterday, so I didn’t have to rush home to let Clyde out.  On my way to yoga, I tried this Kind Bar.

Ok, so I devoured it before I got a picture of the ACTUAL bar, but here’s the wrapper.  This bar was VERY TASTY!
Yoga was fun.  I met Jessie for a power mixed class.  It was a nice workout and I actually sweated my tape from Greenapple off!  Ooops!  
After class I was in the locker room at the studio showering and getting ready for my next event of the evening when I struck up a conversation with another girl in the room who turned out to be a yoga instructor there and also blogs!  Hi Sarah!  I hope to take one of her classes soon 🙂
After yoga, I had a Charlotte Bloggers Meetup at Charley’s Restaurant.  Funny story, but since I’m a member of (I’ve mentioned before this is how I got involved in a running group), I get emails about new groups.  When I saw the email about this group, I recognized the organizer as being a girl I went to high school with in Massachussetts!  RANDOM!  Brittany writes Mommy Words, a blog about her life as a mother of three and lives in Charlotte.  I always thought it was funny that she was in my class of about 400 people and we were the only two “Britts”.  Our name was rarer back then, before Britney Spears and all the other crazy Britts started popping up everywhere.  It’s even more random that we both ended up in Charlotte!
I mainly attended the meetup to see Brittany, but I also was interested in checking out the group.  It was interesting!  It got me thinking about the purpose and direction of my blog again.  Which, in case you can’t tell, I have no clue where I’m really going with it.  I just know I enjoy writing it.  I may start giving my focus some serious thought again though.
While there I had this yummy salad call the California:
It had goat cheese, strawberries, mandarin oranges, and pecans.  I was like, YES PLEASE!  Yum 🙂
The blogger meetup went late and I didn’t get home til about 10:30pm. 
I had a fun day meeting all these bloggers everywhere though!

Entry filed under: bloggers, food, yoga.

Scuffin Night In Pure Exhaustion

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Kristina  |  July 31, 2010 at 12:29 am

    MY focus in reading your blog… is Clyde 🙂

    🙂 !!

  • 2. Brittney  |  July 31, 2010 at 1:33 am

    Haha! Well Basil is a big reason I read yours too 😉 But I like your content as well, even when Basil is MIA!


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